Logo R3M


Institution:   PLOCAN
Localization:   Canarias
Coordinate:   27.992066 / -15.368243
Type: Weather Station
Device identification:  502
Communication system:  GPRS
Communication rate:  15min (hm)
Status: Active

Device Picture

Installed meteocenographic sensors

  Ultraviolet Radiation Sensor

Manufacturer:  SGLUX
Model: UV-Cosine
Info: Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays, that is, in the range between 400 nm and 10 nm, corresponding to photon energies from 3 eV to 124 eV. It is so-named because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the color violet. These frequencies are invisible to humans, but near UV is visible to a number of insects and birds. The ultraviolet index or UV Index is an international standard measurement of the strength of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun at a particular place on a particular day.

  Solar Radiation Sensor

Manufacturer:  Apogee Instruments
Model: SQ-215
Info: Photosynthetically active radiation, often abbreviated PAR, designates the spectral range (wave band) of solar radiation from 400 to 700 nanometers that photosynthetic organisms are able to use in the process of photosynthesis. This spectral region corresponds more or less with the range of light visible to the human eye. Photons at shorter wavelengths tend to be so energetic that they can be damaging to cells and tissues, but are mostly filtered out by the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Photons at longer wavelengths do not carry enough energy to allow photosynthesis to take place.

  Weather Station

Manufacturer:  Vaisala
Model: WXT530

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